Landlord Spotlight: July 2022

For July’s Landlord Spotlight, we have a very special landlord – Tara from the PMCA.  We are so excited to share her story. Tara has been with the PMCA for 19 years!

  1. How long have you been a Purple Martin landlord?

I’ve had a Purple Martin colony at my home since 2011.

  1. How many pairs did you have this year?

I had three nesting pairs this year, with a few singles hanging around all season.  I have a 6-unit Deluxe Gourd Rack that I always think about expanding, but never do—maybe next season!

  1. How many nestlings hatched this year?

I had 8 nestlings this season, with three still left to fledge.  Unfortunately, one clutch of eggs did not hatch.  It’s been so noisy these last few weeks, and I’m trying to enjoy it as much as possible.  It won’t be too much longer until my backyard will be very quiet.

  1. When did your love of Purple Martins begin?

I’ve always had a deep interest in wildlife conservation, but my love for Purple Martins really began when I started working at the PMCA. Then I moved to a new house which was a much more suitable location for hosting Purple Martins.  I was lucky enough to attract a nesting pair the first year I put up my gourd rack-then the real obsession began!

  1. What do you love most about Purple Martins?

Everything—except that they are only here for such a short time!  I’m incredibly fortunate in that I am able to enjoy Purple Martins both at work and at home—the best of both worlds!  Some of my favorite things are their squabbles over nesting cavities and mates when they first arrive in the spring, their constant chatter and feeding of young as I’m drinking my morning coffee, and their cautionary squawks (and a few dive-bombs!) as the nestlings age.  They offer such a wonderful, and calming, respite from the outside world.

If you are a landlord and want to share your story, please email [email protected].


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