PMCA Colony Update 2018 – Ready for Martins

Martin season has finally arrived! Here at the PMCA, we have been busy preparing our research colonies for their arrival. This has involved repairs on the housing from the harsh winter months (Erie, PA has received a record 192 inches of snow this winter), blocking entrances to prevent other species from nesting, and providing fresh dried pine needles in each cleaned out compartment.

House sparrows, European Starlings, Tree Swallows, and Eastern Bluebirds are all cavity nesters that compete with Purple Martins for nesting space.  To prevent these birds from moving into our martin houses, we block the entrances until the Purple Martins return from their wintering grounds. We currently have two cavities open at each colony since they could be returning any day now. These cavities are monitored to ensure only Purple Martins call them home. Additional cavities are opened as more martins arrive.

Our gourd rack at the Tom Ridge Environmental Center. All but two gourds are plugged, each gourd has an owl guard and the pole is fitted with a quick release predator guard.

Clean, dry, pine straw has been placed in each compartment to attract the martins and provide them with a foundation in their nest building and insulation for those cold spring nights.  Every pole is fitted with a predator guard and each entrance is protected from owls and hawks.

Clean, dry pine straw is placed in every compartment

We have nearly completed all of our preparations and now all we need are the Purple Martins!


PMCA Field Biologist


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